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When I became an addict, I understood addiction.

We are all addicted to something or someone at one point in our lives. Normally when we hear of addiction we tend to think of someone hooked on some heroine or  (marijuana which has seen many protest for it to be legalized, I am in support 100% because of its medicinal properties and nothing else) and the latest tramadol. Addiction comes in various forms and it’s always about not being able to be in control of the usage of something that is beneficial or using something that was not meant for the purpose to which you are using. It could be excessive use of the internet to watch pornography, spending so much time on social media and not concentrating on what is supposed to be done, abusing over the counter drugs & narcotics, makeup or even food. My addiction was to a particular meal that ended me up in the wrong place, and I couldn’t help myself: so before the end, I must start at the beginning. It all happened one Sunday when I bought food from my favorite food joint where m
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