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Showing posts from March, 2018

To Be In My Shoes

 Washing of clothes is a chore I love and I enjoy performing. I usually wash tons of clothes on Saturdays for my family except my little sister's. Despite the huge number of clothes; I often have some music on or listen to the radio to make it more exciting. One Saturday as I was carrying on my duty, a friend of the family who was dropping off some clothes she had sewed for my mother, started off a conversation with me.   Midway, she blurted out "how I wish I worked in an office like you". I looked up, smiled yet rolling my eyes at her in my mind.  So here it goes, she is a mother of four and as a Seamstress she works from home in a shop just in front of her house. Her daily routine is to wake up at dawn, wash, prepare breakfast, see the children off to school and gets working. In the evening she prepares supper then gets back to work and closes at 10pm. This routine goes on even on the weekends.  Not understanding her point I asked why.  “Because you

Independently Dependent

Ghana is a great nation. Like many other African countries, we have been endowed with vast vegetation, beautiful rivers and natural resources; gold, coffee, cocoa, oil and diamonds. Yet we are still poor. After 61 years of Independence, we still 'beg' for funds and our systems are been controlled by the very people we sought freedom from. As W.H. Auden stated thousands have lived without love, not one without water yet some parts of the county still lack portable and clean water. Accra is still faced with rationing of water. Our children, the future leaders have their heads buried in books with no access to recreational facilities for relief and relaxation. Of which the malls have now turned into a playground for them on vacation for those in Accra and Kumasi. Forgetting those outside the cities. A breakdown of the family system due to poverty and unemployment had steered streetism, arm robbery, beggars on the streets and prostitution. Filthy Capital, Indiscipline,Cor