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Showing posts from October, 2018

Never Report Your Abusive Husband to The Police

I  have never been married but I am hoping to be a wif e someday. I believe in love and the union of marriage as an everlasting journey with its sweet and sour moments but when that sour ness b ecome s a bitter tree of a buse , one must walk out.  Today’s post is a bout a man I had a lengthy c onversation with  on m y way home from the Accra Mall, a fter a long day of making sales during the Social Media Week.  It started with Ghc2 The conversa tion began when the ‘mate ΚΌ ( bus conductor) asked for his fare and he se arched for his money but eventually, couldn’t find it. I glanced at him and looked out of the window to enj oy the cool breeze of the wind on my face. (*trying to mind my business * ) “I had a GH Cedis 2 note in my hand before I boarded this bus but I’m sure I might have lost it thinking it was rubbish” ….. he blurted out.... I turned to face him and grinned with a sigh. He begun ranting about how hard the economy had become but still